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Developing Your Sustainable Investing Strategy

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing has exploded in popularity, and as of 2020, one in three dollars of professionally managed assets was in an ESG-labeled strategy1.

The ESG investing landscape is quickly growing in size and complexity. The new publication, Developing Your Sustainable Investing Strategy, from the PWM Sustainable Solutions Group at Goldman Sachs, outlines a five-step process you can use to navigate this ever-evolving sustainable investing landscape and establish a strategy to help you reach your long-term investment goals. The steps are as follows: 


  1. Educate. We believe a successful sustainable investing strategy starts with a strong baseline understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities ESG and impact investing present
  2. Clarify. We work with our clients to define and document the ESG values most important to them and convert that value set into portfolio-level objectives
  3. Implement. We help each client achieve both their financial and sustainability goals through bespoke implementation; there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach to sustainable investing
  4. Report. We provide custom ESG portfolio analytics to show the relative impact of implementation decisions made in the portfolio
  5. Evolve. We perform ongoing monitoring of the portfolio to ensure values-alignment and performance objectives are met and to address any new ESG-related risks that may arise

Please contact your Goldman Sachs team for access to the full publication.


  1. Global Sustainable Investment Alliance (GSIA), Bloomberg Intelligence (2020).
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