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Leading the Way with Jean Altier


Leading from Work


How did your career develop?

I started my career in investment banking, then moved to work in securities and am now in wealth management. Regardless of my role, I have always worked to create derivative based solutions for clients. The progression from corporate clients to private clients and from structuring trades to launching strategies has unfolded organically over the years based on the needs of our clients and the opportunities presented by the markets.

What’s the most important career advice you’ve received? 

“One of your greatest strengths is that you don’t fit in.”  I am a left-handed, creatively inclined Pisces who is developing derivative solutions at a global bank. Seeing the board differently has helped me discover and deliver differentiated solutions for our clients. I think the most important skill one can have is the ability to connect dots that others may not see.

What is your role at Goldman Sachs, and how do you support clients?

I run our Managed Strategies group globally. We develop and manage separate account investment strategies, working closely with advisors and clients. I’ve also been active across a number of initiatives focused on better serving our female and LGBTQ+ clients, sustainable investing and innovation.

How do you lead by example?

I think the “kindergarten rule” of treating others how you want to be treated serves you well in all aspects of life.

What are some interesting themes and/or trends that you see in your area of expertise?

Using options to generate alternative yield and/or to tailor equity exposure remains a key theme across portfolios. 

What is your favorite thing about your job?

I enjoy watching a client’s need turn into an idea which then becomes a strategy. It is very rewarding. Also, I love managing a team and watching my team members' careers develop and progress.

On a personal note, the Goldman Sachs community is amazing and I feel I have learned so much from my colleagues' passion and interests. I started working in the financial services industry right after college and am now a married mother of two boys. I have been fortunate to grow up with many colleagues who supported me during this journey and I now consider some of my closest friends.   


Leading from Home


What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t take everything personally. Learn the lessons and let it go.

How do you find motivation and inspiration?

I invest heavily in my relationships and life outside work. I think this balance is imperative to keeping yourself happy and passionate about the work you do. I think finding a way to outsource logistics and make the space to think freely is a key to innovation and creativity. I am very curious and love to learn which helps me to stay very engaged, motivated and inspired.

What is one thing you make time for every week?

I work out every day. It’s very important to me for balance and mental clarity. I used to run, but during the pandemic I discovered Peloton - go #teamCodyRigsby! I also love dining out with family and friends as a fun way to end a busy workday. 

What is your favorite weekend activity?

Spending time with my family, reading an amazing book and going to a fun dinner party that ends with dancing – all are revitalizing in their own way.      

How do you stay healthy – mentally, physically or both?

Exercise, sleep, Champagne and laughter. 

What is your favorite book, movie, podcast or artwork?

I love F. Scott Fitzgerald and am fascinated by the roaring twenties.

What is one app on your phone that you can’t live without and why?

Instagram – it’s a great dose of décor and fashion inspiration and allows me to easily stay connected with friends. 


Leading for the future


How do we provide more leadership opportunities to women in the workforce?

I really feel change is here and now. It’s important that we demystify finance and attract and retain more diverse talent. For women, I think this also means providing them with more opportunities and investing in them as they go through certain phases in their life and career. 

What are some of your professional and personal goals?

I used to say getting a driver’s license but I think I have given up on that goal - thank you, Uber. Professionally, I want to better serve a more diverse set of clients by providing a platform that aligns seamlessly with their goals and interests. 

What suggestions would you give to women who are starting their careers?

Trust your instincts. Take risks. Invest in your relationships.

Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

In 10 years, I will be the mother of a 17-year-old and a 21-year-old –  YIKES! I have never been one to try to live in or to predict the future. I think it’s really important to keep a sense of humor and to enjoy the ride! 

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