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Leading the Way with Meena Flynn


Leading from Work

How did your career develop?

In college, I initially had no idea what I wanted to do, so I followed in my brother’s footsteps and began the pre-med track and studying for a major in economics. It wasn’t until I stepped foot on a trading floor that I felt as if I’d found my calling. After starting my career in Debt Capital Markets at J.P. Morgan, I joined Goldman Sachs as an analyst in Private Wealth Management (PWM) about 20 years ago, and after a few years, I was given the opportunity to help form the Markets Coverage Group. Fast forward a few years, and I transitioned from a salesperson to a producing manager. This was definitely a pivotal moment in my career – being a salesperson was what I knew best, and managing a team and growing a business was new territory. In 2012, I was asked to run the Markets Solutions Group – which has since been rebranded as three distinct businesses (PWM Capital Markets, Managed Strategies and Equity Structuring) – and most recently took on the role of co-head of global PWM with John Mallory.

What’s the most important career advice you’ve received?

Success starts with curiosity – I am a naturally curious person, and I love to dig in and expand my knowledge toolkit. I find myself energized when a new challenge or client situation presents itself. I also love what I do, and I strongly believe it’s important to find a seat in an industry or business where you have a genuine interest.

Everything you do, you put your name on it – My father gave me this piece of advice as a child, and it has always stuck with me. He told me this in the context of doing a chore – vacuuming the floor- but reiterated its larger meaning. He reinforced that everything I do – no matter how big or small – is a reflection of me, which is how I have tried to live my life and I now tell my kids the same thing!

Make your voice heard – If you have a seat at the table, it’s for a reason. Remember that and don’t be afraid to share your unique perspectives.

What is your role at Goldman Sachs, and how do you support clients?

Since 2021, I have been the global co-head of PWM alongside John Mallory. In this capacity, I have the opportunity to work with a wide range of clients – from ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) individuals to family offices. Alongside our advisors and colleagues across the firm, we strive to seamlessly deliver the firm’s investment and non-investment offerings to help clients reach their unique objectives.

How do you lead by example?

By fostering a transparent and supportive culture for our people. We are committed to fostering an inclusive culture where our people are encouraged and empowered to share their unique perspectives. We are also focused on finding the roles for our people that highlight their strengths, and believe this is critical in retaining and attracting top talent.

What are some interesting themes and/or trends that you see in your area of expertise?

Every day, I work with UHNW individuals to address their investment and non-investment objectives. A few themes that are top of mind amongst our client base are: 

A focus on alternatives: The private ecosystem has grown into a $7+ trillion market opportunity as companies stay private for longer. We are focused on continuing to expand and strengthen our Alternatives platform to allow clients to participate in this value creation.

The integration of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG): Clients – especially the next generation – have been committed to integrating ESG principles into their investing strategy, with recent events around climate issues, social unrest, and the pandemic amplifying this focus.

Their interest in this space is both mission and value driven, and is fueled by their search for innovative investments that could deliver outsized returns. 

An increasing exposure to hard assets: Clients have expressed interest in hard assets (e.g., art, real estate) as a means of introducing uncorrelated assets into the portfolio and to position for inflation.

What is your favorite thing about your job?

No one can serve our clients the way we do and I love spending each day helping them in ways no one else could. Given the breadth and depth of our global PWM franchise, we have a differentiated ability to deliver on opportunities our clients are focused on. Our emphasis on bringing together resources from across the firm, paired with our ability to invest in the platform and create new offerings across asset classes, is truly unique. Beyond that, I cannot say enough about our people. It is incredibly rewarding to work alongside such talented colleagues within PWM and across the firm to deliver superior solutions for our clients.


Leading from Home


What advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t take things too seriously. Each day presents a new opportunity to go up to bat and hit a home run. And on the days that I feel like I struck out, I find it’s important to not stew on the past and instead focus on learning from the experience and moving on.

How do you find motivation and inspiration?

I find motivation and inspiration from two core places – my family and my colleagues. As it relates to the former, I want to serve as a role model for my children to chase their own dreams. In terms of the latter, I am motivated by the drive of the people I work with to continue growing our business and strengthening our platform to cater to our clients’ evolving needs.

How do you stay healthy – mentally, physically or both?

Being my own Chief Energy Officer and taking ownership of what fills up my cup. It’s important to invest in yourself, and to prioritize your wellness. I always encourage my team to make time for the things that bring them energy and that allow them to be the best versions of themselves inside and outside of the office.

For me, this includes:

  1. Spending time with family – I love getting outside and being active with my kids. We’re currently in the middle of soccer season, so Saturday is game day in our house!
  2. Working out – One of my favorites is a trampoline class, which is a fun way to clear my head and of course get in a good workout.
  3. Taking time for myself to relax and reset

What is your favorite book, movie, podcast or artwork?

Bob Iger’s “Ride of a Lifetime” is a favorite book of mine. I learned a lot from his book and love sharing it with others. One of my favorite lines of the book that I try to live by is “Be bold, surround yourself with good people, think big, and look long term”.

When I’m winding down at the end of the week, one of my favorite shows to watch is Ted Lasso. I love the light-heartedness of the show and appreciate the positive nature of Ted’s character, and how he brings out the best in other people around him. 

What is one app on your phone that you can’t live without and why?

I love reading – my news app (specifically the New York Post) is one of my most frequently visited, and when it comes to books the Blinkest app – which provides quick 15-minute summaries of books – is a lot of fun to flip through on my own and has become the highlight of my kids’ nighttime routine.


Leading for the future


How do we provide more leadership opportunities to women in the workforce?

By finding opportunities to play to their strengths. As I get to know someone, I take note of skills and attributes that differentiate them from others. I try to find opportunities that allow them to showcase these skills in front of other senior leaders in order to amplify their profile and elevate their career at the firm.

Outside of Goldman Sachs, I am proud to be on the board of Sanctuary for Families. This NYC-based non-profit provides shelter, food, legal and mental well-being services, and training for living wage job placements for women of human trafficking and domestic violence. Through their Economic Empowerment Program (EEP), Sanctuary for Families provides career readiness and technology training programs that help participants break the cycle of poverty, homelessness, and abuse.

What are some of your professional and personal goals?

My professional goals are closely tied to our core strategic priorities for PWM, with the overarching mission for GS PWM to be the aspirational wealth manager for our colleagues and clients.

At a personal level, I am focused on being the best daughter, mother, and wife. I strive to have a close-knit family that lifts one another up. I want my children to feel encouraged to pursue their dreams and to learn from failures or setbacks in life. I prioritize my schedule to ensure I have time outside of work to spend with my family.

What suggestions would you give to women who are starting their careers?

Invest in learning. Every interaction is a chance to learn, and I encourage you to embrace opportunities to expand your skillset and grow in your seat. It’s also important to recognize that the first job you have does not define your career. Keep an open mind – your career is not a straight line; there will be curves and bumps along the way, and opportunities to change the course.

Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?

One thing that is inevitable is change, and so it is safe to say the world and my life will look very different in 5-10 years. From a professional level, I hope to still be at GS working with people who have become close friends, at a firm that has continued to challenge me. From a personal level, I look forward to watching my children grow – it’s crazy to think they’ll be in college in 10 years!

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