How did your career develop?
When I was little, I wanted to be a doctor. Until I didn’t. I was a political science major in college, and had no idea where that there would lead me. One of my college advisors was a brilliant woman who was witty and interesting and generally fantastic. She worked in advertising, which wasn’t something I had ever even remotely considered. She explained what it took, and what it was like, and I gave it a shot. I quickly learned that it combined a lot of what I liked, and a lot of what I was good at. Business. Psychology. Creativity. Culture. Strategy. People.
What’s the most important career advice you’ve received?
You are not the audience. This is true internally and externally, with colleagues and with clients. You’re not the audience, so before you communicate, put yourself in the audience’s shoes and get curious. How do they digest information? What’s important to them? What are their concerns? It’s not about you and how you like to hear things; it’s about someone else.
What is your role at Goldman Sachs, and how do you support clients?
I lead marketing across wealth management. At its core, marketing is about understanding people. So, my job is to make sure that we understand our clients, prospects and our own people in order to ensure that the firm is relevant, valued, and desired. That we are communicating our difference, and inspiring and provoking action with a compelling brand. Right message, right place, right time, right vehicle.
How do you lead by example?
I “show my math” so that people can understand not only what I’m doing or asking for, but why. This doesn’t have to be mysterious.
What are some interesting themes and/or trends that you see in your area of expertise?
Over the past few years, consumers have started to expect something different from brands. More than goods and services, they want to know who they’re doing business with. Who they’re giving their time and their money to. Also consumers have come to understand and expect a different way of engaging and interacting. They want control and power and access, and expect personalized and customized interactions because they’ve seen what’s possible. We’re not competing with our industry; we’re competing with the best experience a person has ever had. That’s the bar.
What is your favorite thing about your job?
I can help better connect the firm to our clients and prospects, and better connect our clients and prospects to the firm. This is an incredible company with an incredible legacy, but we’ve traditionally waited for people to come to us.
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Say yes to more. Go on the trip. Go to the dinner. Try the new thing.
How do you find motivation and inspiration?
Stories. Documentaries, Non-fiction, biographies. True stories, well-told, have incredible lessons and applicability. The more removed from my professional life, the better. Stories of leadership, of problem-solving.
What is one thing you make time for every week?
Myself. Even if it’s just one hour per weekend day, that time is important. It’s mine.
What is your favorite weekend activity?
That’s when I really play with my kids (during the week, my time with my kids also involves a “task” – getting ready for the day, getting ready for bed. It’s still good time, but it’s different). It’s also when I get an hour to myself. One hour on each day, when I leave the house and do something just for me.
How do you stay healthy – mentally, physically or both?
Perspective is everything, and the ability to laugh does wonders.
What is your favorite book, movie, podcast or artwork?
Favorite is way too strong of a word, and way too limiting as it can often depend on my mood. I loved season one of Ted Lasso. I adore The Daily. I could watch Apollo 13 any day of the week. I love documentaries and non-fiction, in general, and will watch a documentary or read a book on just about anything.
What is one app on your phone that you can’t live without and why?
Aside from the usual (email, pictures, etc.), The NY Times Crossword is a delight. I do the crossword every day, and it makes me feel like I’m doing something good for my brain. I get an irrational amount of satisfaction when I finish it.
How do we provide more leadership opportunities to women in the workforce?
Give them more leadership opportunities. Make sure the pipeline is set up properly, with talent coming up the ranks and talent coming in from the outside. If you see a sudden drop off in female leadership, take a good look at what might be happening that’s preventing women from continuing on.
What are some of your professional and personal goals?
Professionally, I want people to say that things always get better when I’m around. More strategic, more inspiring, more insightful, more successful.
Personally, that will always evolve. My kids play a big role in what I hope for.
What suggestions would you give to women who are starting their careers?
Find your people. Your mentors. Your sounding board. Your peers. The people you go to on a good day, and the people you go to help you get through a tough problem. Find people who you can bounce things off of, who will give you a fresh set of eyes and honest perspective. Be yourself, and know that that’s right. Do not ever expect people to read your mind, or automatically assume they are actively managing your career.
Where do you see yourself in 5-10 years?
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