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Leave Your Comfort Zone

Michelle Zatlyn, co-founder, president, and COO, Cloudfare

“Your success depends on your ability to keep learning new skills and pushing the limits of what feels comfortable.”

What’s your advice for a new entrepreneur?

Your job is going to change so many times as you scale and keep hitting new milestones. Your success depends on your ability to keep learning new skills and pushing the limits of what feels comfortable.

If you could change one thing for future women entrepreneurs, what would it be?

I would encourage more women to start businesses and lead companies, so future female entrepreneurs have more mentors, counterparts, and customers who look like them. There are far more men than women in the executive ranks of technology companies and that can be lonely. All tides rise when we have more women leading companies and bringing other future leaders up with them.

What’s a pivotal moment that shaped the trajectory of your company?

We rely on the internet more than ever in our everyday lives, and there was no greater proof of that than when the pandemic hit. Many organizations were already doing business and working online, but the necessity to do so changed radically, almost overnight. Fast-forward to today and internet traffic continues to hit all-time highs, cyberattacks are larger and more sophisticated, work is more distributed than ever, and geopolitical conflict is transcending the physical and digital worlds. We are living in a new paradigm, and I am proud to be at the forefront of helping make the internet faster, safer, and more reliable for our customers.

What leadership quality do you think is essential for success in the business world?

At a certain point in your career, communication becomes a powerful differentiator for a leader. Effective communication is essential to helping others understand your ideas and perspectives, and align people behind you.

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